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Is the Economy Really as Bad as The News Makes it Out to Be?

Jef Goodrick

Updated: Aug 4, 2022

In various regions, from the gigmarket to retirement accounts, a huge number of Americans are getting along nicely — The New York Times gauges this as the best monetary period since we arrived on th

e moon. One of the extraordinary incongruities of this time span is that nobody is discussing it, fundamentally in light of the fact that, as you probably know, uplifting news doesn't create the consideration that awful news does.

Here are the five parts of the economy that are performing very well at the present time. To offer you a short reprieve from the surge of terrible news coming in each second, we're re-sharing that rundown beneath.

The Real Estate Arena:

If you're actively been chasing after another home, then, at that point, this market isn't helping you. However, on the off chance that you're a property holder, you've had the option to see enormous increases in your home's estimation over the most recent couple of years. Furthermore, for any individual who sees their home estimation as a retirement savings, this is a, great turn of events.


The joblessness rate has returned to a pre-pandemic low of 3.6 percent, and there are as of now more than 11 million employment opportunities accessible for the people who are intrigued, Axios reports — so for the people who are prepared for that next large leap in their vocation, this present time may be the opportunity!

Emergency Reserves:

A 2021 financial report by the Federal Reserve uncovered some blissful news about the monetary condition of millions of families the nation over. As per the report, 68% of Americans said they have cash saved for a crisis.


While retirement accounts are constantly influenced by monetary promising and less promising times, the most recent couple of years have seen incredible returns for American retirement accounts generally speaking. Furthermore, interestingly, under 50% of Americans hope to work past their mid sixties, the New York Times reports.

Millennial Homeownership:

43% of recent college grads are formally property holders! This number is up 5% from the year before.

While it's easy to get sucked into the constant flood of what seems to be bad news, it's important to remember there are a few silver linings in the economy too.

Not only is Carlsbad On The Move but so is the housing market.

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